Category: Law
Adding Arbitrator To Careers With Law Degree
When we go through upper or senior school, we are asked many times, ‘what do you want to do when you leave school. . . ‘ It’s a really difficult question to pose to a teenager – many have absolutely no idea what they might fancy doing in ten years time. Unless a youngster comes […]
Being Sure Of Claim Before Starting A Case
There has been quite a bit of excitement in the courts of appeal lately. Not something the average uk resident cares too much about in their usual daily business. However there are interesting repercussions afoot for one particularly errant member of the royal family, or rather his wife’s behaviour. The trouble with taking a case […]
All Change In The world Of UK Law & Justice
With the finalising of the brexit agreements at the end of 2020 which covered trade deals for goods going out and coming in to UK, it sounded as if the whole of the breit business was doen and dusted. Of course, this is very far from reality. Ther is the meaty matter of justice and […]
Paralegal Role Can Count Towards Solicitor Training
There are so many careers within the legal framework in this country. Not everyone wants to or can be a solicitor or barrister. An alternative, requiring much less qualification but of course, not offering the solid life time career, is perhaps paralegal. These are law profesisonals who have a clearly defined supportive role. They are […]
Barristers’ Clerk – A Worthy Service Provider
These days it is much easier to get information about particular careers. Take the legal profession fir example, we know there are solicitors, lawyers and barristers. Then above these are the judges. Many layers of these exist too. But there are lots of other careers for those with less lofty ambitions. A barristers’ clerk for […]
A Little Legal History Helps Career Hopes
There are many good reasons fior deciding on the law as a career. There are so many facets to it for one thing. Not everyone needs to be a solicitor, barrister or judge. The number of other roles is lengthy and all are very absorbing and lifetime career worthy. Knowing a little about the system […]
Supreme Knowledge Is Appealing For Careers
For anyone who has set their mind to a legal career, kowing the various layers of the judicial system is critical. There are several layers of courts and tribunal services providing what we call ‘the law’ in UK. There are Circuits, High Court, appeal Court and eventually the very top of the tree is the […]
Be Prepared To Grab Opportunistic Law Openings
When you’ve gone through university or law school, done all that study, completed and handed in the work and sat those finals . . . . it is hoped you will already h ave had some work experience out in the field of your chosen discipline. The time to start looking for employment is well […]
Family Law Needs New Bloodstock To Train
We are now living in a very agressively litigant world and it seems very much the norm for folks to resort to the local courts to settle disagreements rather than tackle the odd fall out themselves ‘over the garden fence’. At one time the only way to sort out a problem amongst the neighbours was […]
Fluffy Feminine Roles A Thing Of The Past
These last few weeks whilst it’s been a damp and miserable winter, I’ve been inclined to stay put indoors a bit more than usual. I’ve immersed myself in hours of watching old detective shows from the best of commercial television. The ludicrous story lines are only watchable because of the fantastic level of acting by […]